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Event Registration

Event Registration

Webinar - Doing Business in India & Belgium: Mastering Cross-border Joint Ventures

Belgium Luxembourg Business Association and Belgo - Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry offers its members a privileged networking platform to interact and assist companies in expanding their business through advocacy and promotion in India, Belgium, and Luxembourg. India is Belgium's third-largest export destination and fourth-largest trading partner. In the year 2022 – the bilateral trade between the two countries was plus € 15 billion. Before expanding into overseas markets, it is helpful to learn more about the local business and working culture, the legal and tax environment, the specific regulations, and the possible government support. Testimonials and lessons shared by Indian executives in Belgium and Belgian executives in India are the most valuable sources of information and inspiration to get a firsthand feel of the country, the possibilities, and the opportunities. Speakers include Rajeev Dhawan- President BLBA, Frank Haak – Senior Advisor Global Trade Solutions BNP Paribas Fortis, Bhushan Trivedi – AVP Invest India, Dr. Munish Sabharwal – Managing Director Transaction Advisory Service Nexdigm, Anshuman Choudhary – Partner Deloitte Belgium, Babette Desfossez – Trade & Investment Commissioner FIT, Guillaume de Bassompierre –Trade & Investment Commissioner, Wallonia-Brussels Economic Representation, Ignace Hindrick – Vice President BLBA Please RSVP by Friday 22 May for the registration.

27 May 2024    01:00 pm - 02:30 pm
Zoom meeting - Online