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Another year has come and gone and so we take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful year 2024, filled with new opportunities and good health! We have several interesting events planned for 2024, but let us start by extending our invitation to our annual New Year\'s Event. This year’s event will be hosted at the headquarters of one of our member companies, Agristo in Wielsbeke and will take place on 16th January 2024. Baron Philippe Vlerick, BICC&I Chairman will provide the opening remarks for the event which will be followed by a presentation by Mr. Filip Wallays, co-CEO of Agristo, a world player in development and production of frozen potato products. After the presentation we have the opportunity to visit the state-of-the art production plant! Program Details: 18:30 - 19:00: Welcome and registration 19:00 - 19:10: Welcome and Introduction by BICC&I Chairman, Mr Philippe Vlerick 19:10 - 19:30: Presentation by Agristo co-CEO, Mr Filip Wallays 19:30 - 21:00: Factory visit Agristo (PLEASE WEAR STURDY SHOES - no heels for the ladies) 21:00 - 22:00: Reception and walking dinner Date: Tuesday, January 16 Venue: Agristo, Ridder de Ghellinckstraat 9, 8710 Wielsbeke Registration: RSVP: by Monday, January 8 Spaces are limited (first come, first serve), so please RSVP at your earliest convenience. We look forward to a great event to start the new year!
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